E3 Monthly Meetups- Info Session

Hello everyone, Thank you for your interest in the E3 Service Provider Monthly Meetups.

Business Address(Required)

Business Information

The following questions allow us to understand where you are within your entrepreneurial journey, whether that be the conceptual, emerging, stable or accelerated stage. PDFF supports entrepreneurs and businesses at every stage. Please answer truthfully.
Give a brief, high level description of what your business is about and what products or services you offer.
Entrepreneurial Stage(Required)
Self-identify where you think you are within your entrepreneurial journey. PDFF is equipped to support entrepreneurs and businesses at every stage. This information helps us understand your business so that we can appropriately review your application and provide you with the best resources and support.
Business Growth Challenges(Required)
Select all that apply.

Demographic Information

E3 was created to be welcoming and inclusive. The first step to inclusivity is data collection. Some of the questions asked within this section are required for data collection purposes and will not affect your eligibility to move forward.
Is your total household income under $58k per year?
We ask this question specifically on behalf of our funding partners to report on the percentage of individuals who classify as low to moderate income (LMI) persons. Your answer will be kept confidential.